Heartsaver® First Aid w/CPR & AED

The Heartsaver First Aid Course teaches rescuers to effectively recognize and treat adult emergencies in the critical first minutes until emergency medical services personnel arrive. The course also provides a complete health and safety training solution for first aid, adult and pediatric CPR with AED.

Content / Modules:

Adult first aid (general principles, medical emergencies and injury emergencies)

• Adult/Child CPR with mask

• Adult/Child AED

Optional: Environmental emergencies


Features / Benefits:

Modular format creates course flexibility

Ideal for learners who prefer group interaction and feedback from an instructor while learning skills

Each student receives the highest quality course materials to supplement their learning

Student Text & CD-ROM (included with student workbook) includes additional information on CPR and AED that students can reference after the course (Required by AHA that each student have a text prior & during class may be a library source: recommended for each student as a future reference & review source)


Target Audience:

Designed for employee training at companies, corporations, businesses such as day care , senior or youth activity centers or other entities.

For employees and/or designated first responders who have a duty to respond to a first aid or cardiac emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements.


Written Exam / Skills Testing for completion?

Skills practice (First Aid) and skills testing (CPR & AED) with AHA Instructor during course (No written exam.)



Estimated Class Time (may vary with class size)

4.5 - 7.5 (Varies by class size)

For evening classes recommended as two sessions


Card Type/Certification by AHA

Heartsaver First Aid course completion card



Costs :

          Instruction &  materials                                            45.00

          Texts     (see previous note)                                     15.00 

          Certification card                                                         15.00


                                                      Cost per Student              75.00



Minimum Class size   6